Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pembrokeshire in Summer

A week in the land of my fathers was in order. The new twist on a familiar week away- Dan, Anna and the kids (plus uncle Rowan, Nik, Jenny et al) came with us to camp near St. Davids. August in Wales, what could possibly go wrong.

Good company, crappy weather. Rain every day led to many nearby campsites flooding out. Not ours. With an unobstructed view West over Ramsey Island and the bitches, our main problem was the 50mph winds. Needless to say we packed up before the weather really came in...

Nevertheless, we reckoned the holiday a success. We caught up with a lot of friends and family, got some kayaking, fishing, sailing, coasteering and beachlife in. Thanks to Mike and Yens for lending us a the boats and John/Reesy for the g&t on a stormy night. Thanks also to Toby and Brita for helping us dry our clothes and feed us.

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