Thursday, September 28, 2006

Paddling the pointy bit

A voyage of discovery round Cornwall by kayak.

"Every year I endeavour to fund raise for local charities by short kayaking trips here in the U.K. This summer was no exception, but with our first child on the way, this may be the last time in the near future that I could take this length of time away from home without filling my hatches with nappy bags and baby clothes! "

To read more, please open the link at the side of the page. All donations Im sure will be greatly received by Naomi's House, the childrens hospice that I was raising money for.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

We're jamming

Not Mr. Marley, but a whole lot of fruit in buckets at this time of year. A long dry summer with a wet August has led to a bumper crop of fruit all across Norfolk. Long, slow weekends exploring the upper reaches of the Waveney (the river that divides Norfolk and Suffolk) has brought home the fetility of the soil here, in contrast to stark West coasts that Christa and I come from.

Apples, pears, plums, blackberries, sloes and damsens become jam, chutney, great desserts and gin (I couldn't help myself).