Thursday, January 22, 2009

Brits abroad

If you cant beat 'em, join 'em. We joined the maddening crowds in the Canaries and introduced the cosmopolitan Italian and German families to the bucket and spade brigade, Britstyle. They were far too busy smoking cigarettes and making sure they were being noticed to enjoy themselves. Fingers were pointed at our poor children who were...covered in sand! Oh no. Call the social services. The Euro zone really has become intolerant of outsiders. Turkey beware.

Had a great time. Surf was overhead and then some most days. The weather was ideal and the Cabaret didn't stop playing Rod Stewart until 3 most mornings. Well, what did you expect, this is Tenerife!

Happy xmas everyone

So, I know its late, but December got a little hectic. Some holiday snaps to follow. Another first t show you though; Morwenna's first Nativity play. Morwenna was the inn keeper, who' sole job it appears was to look after the blue cat. Certain liberties were taken with the Bibles version of the birth of Christ, but you can only forgive the little darlings.

"Mary had a baby in her tum tum tum
God said soon you'll be a mum mum mum"

Bryn's 1st birthday

Yes, a truly fine moment. Another great moment is interrupting his footy watching to take a photo of this lounge lizard in his favourite environment- being waited on hand and foot whilst he contemplates his navel. Can't imagine where he learnt that kind of behaviour. Note to folks; this is the same nursing chair that I developed my bad posture with as a child.