Tuesday, June 28, 2011




For those of you who don’t know, coasteering is a hybrid of sea level traversing, cliff jumping and coastal exploration. Add a 4-6 foot swell and it all gets a little interesting. I joined a session going out from one of the local adventure centres that I used to work with in Pembrokeshire and had a great time.

Sea caves, sumps, cliff jumps and big swell. happiness is…

Monday, June 27, 2011

Skomer trip


Skomer is a delight whatever time of year that you go across, but its particularly interesting at this time of year. Many of the Orcas (puffins, guillimots and razorbills) are nesting and whilst on land and in the air look rather cumbersome. However, if you have the chance to see them in crystal clear water, you can see how their little stubby wings provide them with excellent sub-aquatic skills.


The yearling seals are still loitering around the caves and islands too, ready for the imminent pupping season, when Skomors beaches will become covered with females, pups and bull seals vying for dominance


for the mating season which happens straight afterwards. Jon and I paddled across Jack Sound in fairly lumpy conditions to go round the island and came across more seals than I remember from previous trips. It will be interesting to see what happens to the recorded numbers of pups this year.


Between sets at the Mewstone, Skomer

south side of skomer








Big thanks out to all who put up with me for the weekend; Toby and Brita for their hospitality, Tom and Lara for the brilliant seaweed jelly, Jon for the tunes and Angharad for the rum and for stealing her husband on Sunday.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Busy Weekends in the garden



Christa has been busy making willow hurdles this weekend, ready for taking them to Morwenna’s school. The kids are always keen to get involved. Morwenna is getting good at whittling and Bryn just want to climb into everything.


For my part, we have been rebuilding two retaining walls, which has allowed us to make some more use of the garden. Once these were done another raised bed, a greenhouse and a chicken run were next on the list.


The chooks are settling in well and should be coming to lay in the next month. They scrabble round the veg patch, but as yet they are still going for the grubs and not the vegetables. I’m sure that wont last.

The greenhouse is already helping us grow things we otherwise wouldn’t have any chance with; cucumbers, melons, peppers, chilli’s and aubergines are all on the go.  Its all a little bit hit and miss for these new crops, so I’m not expecting much. Will keep you all informed.