Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Missing the chickens.


We lost our chickens this spring to another fox attack. Bugger. Kids were upset, not to mention us. I refused to get any more until we have fully fort-knoxed (fort foxed) the area. I’ve compared our eggs versus the ones from the shops-guess which is the odd one out?


We will be doing some work on the house this summer, so I going to build a low wall around the enclosure, then the welded mesh that stops foxes. There was I thinking that chicken-wire was to keep foxes out, but it seems its only to keep chickens in. Oh well, you live and learn.



The garden just isn’t the same without them, but the kids are now very clued up to other nesting birds. This is an old blackbird nest that we found empty. Bryn has just found a pigeon nest up his favourite tree, so watch this space for baby pigeon photo’s!

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