Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Fun in the Kitchen


This is a little of what goes on in our house over the deep mid-winter. It just goes to show that kids don’t need many toys to have fun.

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Morwenna loves to help mum in the kitchen. When cracking the eggs for a cake mix, she declared that the eggs (above) were smiling! There were only 2 eggs in the bowl so one must have been a double yoker. Diner also tuned into a set of carrot finger puppets in a bed of leeks and onions.

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We opened the next 2 more carefully and as you can see, the chickens would have had twins! There are always enough pens and paper to go around, but for some reason this winter, Morwenna took to maths on the kitchen floor with a piece of chalk. Well, now she’s drawing with the ashes from the fire. I liked this one the best.

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