Sunday, June 19, 2011

Busy Weekends in the garden



Christa has been busy making willow hurdles this weekend, ready for taking them to Morwenna’s school. The kids are always keen to get involved. Morwenna is getting good at whittling and Bryn just want to climb into everything.


For my part, we have been rebuilding two retaining walls, which has allowed us to make some more use of the garden. Once these were done another raised bed, a greenhouse and a chicken run were next on the list.


The chooks are settling in well and should be coming to lay in the next month. They scrabble round the veg patch, but as yet they are still going for the grubs and not the vegetables. I’m sure that wont last.

The greenhouse is already helping us grow things we otherwise wouldn’t have any chance with; cucumbers, melons, peppers, chilli’s and aubergines are all on the go.  Its all a little bit hit and miss for these new crops, so I’m not expecting much. Will keep you all informed.

1 comment:

Kate Aulman said...

This looks amazing! Really well done xxx