The logs are in, the smell of woodsmoke and simmering fruit floats around the house. Small jobs that have been neglected take on levels of importance that cannot be dismissed. I even Spring clean arse about tit! Anyway, in an effort to stop our front step from wobbling, I took it up and this is what I found. I'm told that this is a common use for tombstones with typos by a stone smith patient. He could be telling me this so I dont get the willies. Anyone else heard this? Still, as a mark of respect we have left the stone face up. Most people don't seem notice it anyway.

Morwenna has taken to pulling faces. Most of the time its someone else's face she is pulling (ouch), but this picture shows she thinks its quite fun pulling her own occasionally.
Mum and Dad came over after a trip to Italy. This picture at least shows she can still pull the cute-little-grand-daughter out of the bag when she needs to.

Here is Morwenna's 1st video contribution to the blog. Turn up the speakers; I bet even George Formby couldnt play the ukulele so sweetly at this age. Only problem is as soon as she sees the camera, she wants to see the image. "I look daddy, I look." Honestly, the vanity.
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