Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Kiwis come back to see the Limey’s

Marc and Cath have brought their beautiful little daughter back over to see friends and family recently. They came to stay last weekend and seemed to bring the weather with them. It was the start of October and nearly thirty degrees!


Great to see you all and thanks for making the effort to come over. Hope its not so long next time…


Sure as eggs is eggs.



Its been a long wait but the chickens are finally laying. We have tried to incentivise Morwenna into looking after the little darlings; if she feeds them and collects the eggs, we will sell them at the clinic for her and that can be her pocket money.

Without eggs, there has been little incentive to look after the chooks. Now that we have found where they are laying, the kids have gone crazy for all things eggy; pancakes for breakfast, boiled eggs in the packet lunch and tortilla for dinner.

This has proved to be incentive enough. The kids now have to hunt the entire garden each time they come home from school just in case they have laid somewhere new.