Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Another busy weekend



Its all happening at our place at the minute! Morwenna and Bryn are learning to cycle, with or without stabilisers. Bryn helped me in the veg patch today; we managed to get a bumper crop of over 20kg of onions out of one raised bed. Cant imagine why he thought it would make a comfortable to rest on.


They are both also learning to swim too, but that’s more difficult to get a photo of. Morwenna is able to do about 3-4 metres before sinking and Bryn just spends all his time underwater with his goggles on. The words confident and non-swimmer never make comfortable reading in the same sentence.

Last Weekend



Happily married Stavris had a birthday at our house last weekend after THE wedding of the year. Lovely to see you all again.

You can tell from the photo that Morwenna still thinks all birthdays are a lot of fun, even if they’re not hers. Watch out for the cake Alex!


Lilly Anna Bowling



I forgot to say that Christa has done her normal magic and helped us remember when Lilly was born.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Clan Bowling expands again













Lilly Anna Bowling has come into our lives 15th July at 12.50AM (just in case any of you need to check her birthday in about 1 years time!) Weighing in at  a respectable 7 pounds 11 ounces, she’s a beautiful little thing and our kids loved going over to say hello a few weeks ago.



It also gave us a chance for our bunch to be spoiled by the grandparents. Mission very probable. A little time on the beach chasing blennies for old times sake and a few beers with Mike for the same completed the weekend. I’m sure it will be repeated. Welcome to the clan, Lilly. You’ll find out we are a funny old bunch, but we’re OK when you get to know us.
