Found this photo of a quick trip this Summer over to the Isle of Wight. I set off from Keyhaven around lunchtime in lovely weather this July. Christa was working in Poole, so it looked like a good chance for some escapism!
Being a little unfit and in the sit on kayak, it took a little longer than normal to get across. By the time I was near the main channel from Portsmouth, I was aware of some heavy fog coming over from Hengistbury Head. It didn't move fast, but when it came I couldn't see more than thirty feet.
Not a good time to be in one of the busiest shipping channels in the UK in a vessel to small to be noticed by radar. With lightening quick thinking (Who am I trying to kid, I was glad for the rest) I clipped on to a nearby channel marker and waited for it to pass by catching a few mackerel. At least Bryn approved!