Thought you might all like to see the beginnings of the work going on in the garden. About 8 tonnes of material has ended up coming out of the house during the work we have done. Not wanting to get a skip in (for reasons I wont explain), the garden seemed the most obvious place for the rubble.
Well, from that rubble Pete had built a circle. I have done some of the finishing, to produce a raised bed. Then it was a simple matter of getting 12 tonnes of topsoil delivered and spread over the offending rubble. We have seeded the topsoil now, but the amount the pigeons have pinched from us, I think we may have to do it again.
The circle will become a firepit, a barbeque area, a home for the trampoline, or simply a place for morwenna to have teddy bear picnics (its current use). I couldnt help myself and had to plant some maize and carrots too.
We have also made a start on some raised beds in the sunny corner of the garden. Broad beans, spuds and onions are well on the way. All else is in its infancy. Much of the seed we are using has come from last years crops in Norfolk that bolted and seems to have a good germination rate. Oviously this first year on new soil is a bit of an experiment, but its easier to grow in a garden than in field for sure! The manure has come from a local freecycle fanatic which is helping bring everything on, so many thanks for that Jacquie.