I know this post is a little late, but life is a little hectic at the moment. Had a lovely time with a house full of friends from Norfolk, Cornwall and Wales. Well done to Zara and Rowan, Dan and Anna, plus Dom and Heather for making the trip.
We got to show off the work that Rowan, Pete and I have done on the old playroom, turning it into the dining room you see here. Not to mention the new bathroom...
Ceilings have been lifted, walls have been knocked out and others rebuilt, radiators re plumbed, showers erected, floors poured and levelled, not to mention the Welsh slate and the real oak floor you can see. Then there is the manhole covers that we have internalised and worked around, the hundreds of kilos of metal beams we have slid into place to hold everything up, the electrics installed, the insulation scratchily put in place... Then there's the painting, the wood finish, the alcatrave, the skirting etc. There will be a blog for it at some stage in the future.

The kids looked like they had a good time and were (a little) more exhausted than their parents when bedtime came around. You know when they're cream crackered when they can all sleep in the same room and not wake each other up.
The weather was a bit rough, but no-one seemed to mind. The Easter egg hunt went down well and children seemed to be maxed out on chocolate, but there's always room for another. There wasn't a pair of shoes in sight, but they all seemed happy with muddy toes. Good old fashioned country kids.