Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Better Late Than Never

Well, these are some of the photos from our Cornish trip this Summer. Many thanks to Rowly and George for putting us up and Anna and Dan for putting up with us. Plus Jason for the firewood. Lucy, Alex and Cathy were all stars in camping with us through some really crap weather. However, the photos do show some occasional sun, so it cant have all been bad.

The usual frolics gave all the kicks. If it aint broke don't fix it I say. Lots of decent surf, with a good dawn patrol at Gwithian. We got the best of it that day Dan. Lots of paddling with the kids too. Finn got on really well and was properly going for it on his own straight away this time.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Gone Fishin'

What else would you expect me to do with some good weather, a kayak and a trip to Pembrokeshire. Mike and I went round Caldey on a lovely calm day and caught a few. That continued all week til Yens and I went out from Abercastle in heavy seas and didn't catch a thing. Thats the problem in a kayak; there are too many things to think about as well as catching fish. Like staying alive...

I have also added this picture of domestic bliss to let everyone know that i do occassionally cook. Ok, not often (nor would you if you were married to Christa). So when I do, its probably worth collecting the evidence.