Well, the deed is done. 100 miles from Norwich, onto the North Norfolk coast and back again in 5hrs 47mins. I have no intention of ever getting on a bike again, but I'm sure that's a natural response to friction burns...

The day started with toad in the hole and a bowl of porridge before driving up to the start at 6.15 a.m. Mist shrouded the city and what was chilly before the race became blissfully cold as we all developed a head of steam. People dropped by the wayside for early pees and punctures as the 2000 strong group of us passed by. Mark, Martin and I were pulled along in a whirlwind of slip streams and enthusiasm up past Acle and toward the coast
We did the first 50 miles in a blistering 2hrs 41 mins. From there things went a little slowly. Anyone who tells you that Norfolk is flat hasn't been up onto the North coast. The mist burned off by 11.00 and it turned uncomfortably hot as the hills rolled on and on. Sean was there in support at the water stops to provide us with a barrage of good natured abuse, which distracted us from the job at hand. Good job too. Somebody had to distract Mark; he was ready to give away his bike and walk home after 3 hours!
An hour after him, I was in the doldrums. Sure as eggs is eggs, that's when Mark perked up. I sat on his rear wheel whilst he shouted encouragement. I like to think I would have done the same.
We limped the last 25 miles back into Norwich. Descending the hill into the centre of town at over 30mph, blew away the cobwebs and the knee pain was forgotten. We were at the finish line in no time, shaking hands and drinking chilled beer. Magazines detailing future organised rides were being distributed by zealous cyclinsts. Needless to say, we weren't interested.